Sunday, August 23, 2009


What a great week in Sunriver with Ryan's entire family...

We finally got Austin to ride his bike, which up to this past week he has had absolutely no interest in. Now, he's good to go! Helps to have some positive peer pressure with all the other cousins on their bikes!
One of Austin's favorite be throwin in the air!!!

Showing off his big muscles!

Owen & friends!

Austin must have drawn 100 volcanoes during the week!
He loves his volcanoes!!!

Our trip to the fire station...he was just barely taller than the tires on this "monster fire truck" that is used to battle forest fires!

Driving the fire truck...

Austin was Mr. Safety...loved to put on his seatbelt!

You can't beat that grin...

The other thing Austin loved doing in the pool was taking Ry's sunglasses off his head and throwing them to the bottom of the pool. Ryan would then have to push him down to the bottom to retreive them...see video on the family blog!

We now can't get Austin off his bike!

Austin is a fish in the water...

The kids liked to build a little fort out of beach towels and lounge chairs at the pool after a few hours of swimming...

Tennis anyone...

Austin's first time down was with daddy...

...then he was good to go!

Of course, then, he decided to go down head first...which is against the rules!
What a little troublemaker! :-)

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